Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rip Ride Rockit Reopens!

We are excited to let you know Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit has re-opened after being closed for maintenance. Enjoy the ride!

And some modified trains have been reported:

Park News - (10/28/10) Big surprise today for guests at Universal Studios Florida, as the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit coaster had reopened to the public as unexpectedly as it closed down six weeks ago. The reports sent in so far are a bit vague, but claim that the ride may have received all new trains (or possibly refurbished perhaps?) and that the ride experience was very much improved. When I asked Universal Orlando about the reopening of the coaster they had this to say, “We are excited that Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit has re-opened after its maintenance period.” Sorry, you were expecting more? At this point I think I’d be happy if it at least was giving off the butter smooth rides it was expected to in the first place.

That's nice to hear! =D I'm so excited for Thanksgiving!

And also for fun, here were some other crazy reports from Screamscape about this situation:

(10/13/10) I’m not quite sure what to make of this exactly, but a reader reports in that the survey crew was spotted taking measurements at the Hollywood Rockit coaster site near the lift hill tower and non-inverting loop. Could they be planning to rebuild some sections of the coaster? Certainly something could be done to improve this section of the ride to eliminate all the valleys that take place coming out of the non-inverting loop. Of course there are those ever-persistent rumors about some kind of structural problem that may have been found with the ride as well…
(10/12/10) I’m told that the staircase spotted by the Hollywood Rockit coaster is actually on wheels and not something new. Apparently they bring it out as needed.
(10/11/10) I’m not entirely sure what this means, but a new staircase was spotted in this picture (sent out over Twitter) set up at the Hollywood Rockit coaster in the general location where the ride has been known to valley the most. Anyone know if this is a temporary staircase or something they’re putting in for good?
(10/1/10) There is a big rumor flying around many of the Orlando centric fan sites claiming that the problems with the Hollywood Rockit are so severe, the park may end up removing the ride entirely. While anything is possible, the chances of this being true at this point so low that they are hardly worth mentioning. If true, we would more than likely be hearing stories about a huge lawsuit brewing between Universal and Maurer in Sentinel, but since that hasn’t happened yet, I think everyone should cool their jets a bit about the Rockit until we know more about what’s going on.
At this point all we really know is that there are problems and issues keeping the ride shut… and it’s no secret that this ride has hardly lived up to anyone expectations as far as providing an enjoyable ride experience to the guests. Anything beyond that is really wild speculation at this point. I’ll keep digging to see what more I can find out, but lets keep the sledgehammers in the tool shed for now.
(9/25/10) While nothing has been states about when the Rockit may reopen, sources tell us that Universal was seen cycling empty trains on it again late Thursday night after the park was closed.
(9/21/10) Universal has confirmed that the Hollywood Rockit will be closed a bit longer than expected (though they never gave a date for it to reopen) because they will now go ahead and perform the ride’s annual maintenance work while it’s already closed.
(9/20/10) Universal Orlando has made some some comments regarding the closure of the Hollywood Rockit coaster to the local news. They say that any issues from the September 2nd advisory from Maurer would have been dealt with weeks ago and not the cause of the current shutdown and that the ride is closed for “unrelated maintenance”. So what is the issue then? Universal isn’t saying, though the local news station sources claim that it is “structural” issues behind the current closure.
(9/17/10) I’ve got a public confirmation about one of the issues that has caused the temporary shutdown of the Hollywood Rockit. A technical service alert from Maurer Sohne was released this month that reports that the ‘coupling bar’ between the cars on all of the X-Car / Sky-Loop train systems are “not fatigue endurable”. In other words, they are showing signs of stress that could lead to a possible failure.
As such, Maruer will be redesigning the parts and offering up the fix in approximately 2-3 months. “Any operation of the Sky Loop or X-Car Coaster with tandem train must be immediately and strictly stopped until the examination has been evaluated!” So… the ride’s shut down for the short term at least because of this alone. “If you find any cracks (no matter what size or type) on the checked locations or any other irregularities, the system must be shut down immediately in order to prevent serious accidents prosing a danger to health and life of persons.”
(9/16/10) I’ve heard rumors indicating some bad news for Universal’s Hollywood Rockit coaster which has kept it shut not only the past couple of days, but may keep it shut for quite a bit longer. I’m not going to go into the nasty details about what’s being said without a little more proof, but if even half is true, it could be weeks before it opens again. More as we find out.

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