Monday, September 28, 2009

My Version of KND

Well, the information on my KND is finally revealed today:

Episode 1 (Operation: C.A.N.A.D.A.):

The KND go on a bus to Montréal, Quebec, Canada. Numbuh (I know it is "number," but in the series, that is how you say it) 4 sat alone on the back row. There was a blonde girl in the bus as well. Meanwhile, a scoutmaster, Chester (the antagonist), is planning to defeat the KND. He sends his henchmen (Rufus (the dumb one), Randy (the smart one), and Rusty (the evil one) to spy on them and send the bus returning to America to Camp Sleepy Hollows (a camp in northern Quebec). When the henchmen arrive however, a Mountie, a Canadian Police officer, confronts Randy. He speaks French. Randy does not know French so the Mounties arrest him (XD). Rusty appears in the underground city in Montréal to spy on Numbuhs 1, 2, and 4. Rufus spies on Numbuhs 3 and 5. At one point, Numbuh 5 got a plate saying "Help us! You are our only hope!" She buys the plate. At the end of the day, the KND return to the bus. As planned, Rusty sends the bus up north and Rufus busts out Randy.

Episode 2 (Operation: C.A.M.P.):

The episode begins with the KND waking up on the bus and realizing that something is terribly wrong. Why were they not going south to Cleveland? They arrive at Camp Sleepy Hollows. Chester separates them in cabins. The next morning, Numbuhs 1 and 4 get sent to the pig shed after refusing to work on plates. Numbuhs 2, 3, and 5 work on the plates as well as another person. That person was the same blonde girl who was in the bus with them on the way to Montréal. This episode introduces a new henchman: Rally (who does not know of Chester's plan).

Episode 3 (Operation: S.I.X.):

Numbuhs 1 and 4 break out of the pig shed and confront Chester threatening Numbuhs 2, 3, and 5, as well as the blonde girl (who is Numbuh 6). They battle and then the henchmen put the KND to sleep. Numbuh 6 wakes the others and she makes a plan to call the Mounties to arrest Chester. First Numbuh 2 will pretend to escape the camp and they will run after him, while the others call the Mounties.

Episode 4 (Operation: M.O.U.N.T.I.E.S.):

The KND proceed with the plan. Numbuh 2 runs out and the henchmen chase him. The others call the phone, but accidently call Rufus (XD). They then call the Mounties. By the river, the Mounties confront Chester and his henchmen. While his henchmen are arrested, Chester escapes. The KND are safe but then they drop through a waterfall.

Episode 5 (Operation: W.I.T.C.H.):

The KND survive the waterfall but they, however, are lost. Numbuh 1 looks for help. He sees a house with light and he calls the others. The KND knock on the door, and an old lady appears. She welcomes them in and gives them food. Then, suddenly, Numbuh 4 falls asleep. It is revealed that the old lady is a witch (just like the one from EPCOT! O_o). The KND try to stop her, but she puts Numbuhs 1, 2, and 5 to sleep. Numbuh 6 calls the Mounties. The others awaken and fight the witch. The Mounties arrive and arrest her. The Mounties tell the KND to come with them.

Episode 6 (Operation: E.R.I.E.):

The episode begins with some scenes showing people knowing about Chester's plan (thus viewers assume that the KND told the Mounties about Chester) as the KND sail back to Cleveland on a ferry boat with the Mountie sheriff as the captain. However, Chester confronts the KND.

Episode 7 (Operation: N.I.A.G.A.R.A.):

Chester ties up the sheriff and takes control of the ferry boat. He turns the ferry northeast... towards Niagara Falls. The KND try to stop Chester, but he strongly continued steering it to Niagara Falls. At the edge of the falls, Chester escapes to the other side. But, the other Mounties save the KND and the sheriff as well as Chester's former henchmen. As the Mounties arrest Chester, they think of arresting the henchmen but chose not to arrest Rufus or Rally (because Rufus is just dumb, and Rally discovers Chester is evil and turns against him). Rusty and Randy, however, get sent to French school. The KND return to Cleveland with everyone cheering.


Three years later, Numbuhs 4 & 6 date each other, Numbuhs 2 and 3 date each other, and Numbuhs 1 & 5 date each other.

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